miwafoxl's creations

Introduction to Sam catalogue

After a lot of experimenting with different approaches of catalogue, I'm settling with this one. It's the most easy to use and to understand, I can just set and forget about it, and if I ever need it will be easy to find.


SAM (pt: Seleção de Artes Megumi, eng: Megumi's Selected Work); a subset of MAC (my internal catalogue system); is a catalogue that identifies uniquely every work I've reached to it's completion, regardless if it's published or not, for both paintings and tracks. It doesn't care if it's published, original, bootleg or remix, it only increments (chronologically) if a given work reached it's intended completion. The functionality it provides is that it uniquely identifies any given work, as they cannot have the same number.

The way it increments is somewhat tricky, but easy to understand. Sam 53 does not necessarily mean I finished 52 things before this one. There is numbers that are attached to a letter, indicating that they are in-between. For example: 52 -> 52a -> 52b -> 53, both 52a and 52b are in-between the dates of 52 and 53, so between these (inclusive) there is actually 4 works instead of 2. That also doesn't mean 52a came before 52b or vice-versa, but they surely are between the current and next number. This makes my life easier when cataloguing ideas that were discovered later down the line.

By nature, it's a selection. So it doesn't actually include every single finished work, but it includes at least 90% of them. It also transcends aliases, so every alias is included.

So that's all you need to know about this. Since I unpublished the last blog about this, I'll attach the important bits here.


KSI (eng: Kriss Super ID) was a catalogue system (now deprecated) I've made specifically for a supertrack I did 2 years ago called Kriss Super, inspired on Space Laces' Vaultage. I had a deadline set and a good idea of what I wanted to do: to make a lot of ideas in a short span of time; and I thought organizing/titling those ideas would take much more space in my head than it actually need, so I'd rather attach a unique number to reference that idea later, then decide how to package them.


I've dropped both. I later realised that I could just reference a Sam code when a idea uses another existing idea in it, no actual need for Mcc. As for Mod, it's the same as Sam, I just renamed it.